“Why us? Why black people?,” Chris asks, when the nature of Rose’s parents’ plans is finally explained to him. That didn’t come from me. It’s in the movie placed directly, right smack dead in your face. “GET OUT” is an organized and planned scientific Satanic- Demonic Attack against Black People! At a former remote Utah Rocky Mountain historical Mormon enclave tucked safely away from public eyes, the 2017 Sundance Film Festival held a “SECRET” screening of “GET OUT” for benefit of the Black/Dark Satanic Circle.[1] WALTER is a black character in the movie “GET OUT” that has suddenly broken free from Sundance, and is out of control in the Coagula Experiment! He’s on the RUN!
“GET OUT” is an unquestionable “race based horror movie“. Variety magazine, the mouthpiece of HollyWeird describes the movie as a ” … terrifying notion of a new way that white people have found to perpetuate the peculiar institution of slavery.”[2]
In 1933-34, Adolf Hitler spoke of the coming New World Order and terrifying notions of a new Modern Slavery wherein the few who lord it over the many will retain their great privilege by sophisticated mind-controlling techniques of Mass Psychology, Propaganda, Indoctrination, Fear and Brute Force. Hitler, the Dark Lord Cult Initiate, was at first welcomed by the occult societies whose secret masters were the Black Adepts from the Cult of Evil who were the “exalted nobility” of the world. Hitler alluded to the coming of the long-awaited incarnation of the Bloodline of Lucifer that will verify the true Lords of Power on Earth.[3]
“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler [4]
Variety also says that the movie “GET OUT” is part of an underground secret Satanic plot against Black citizens. It ” … exposes a reality in which African-Americans can never breathe easy.”[5] In the minds or their bodies.
America’s Submissive Slave House Negroes
Just like HollyWeird’s “Gone with the Wind ” that glories the horrors of African Bondage and the Ole South, “GET OUT” has obedient and submissive Slave House Negroes and it means what it is, literally.
However, Walter and Georgina are steps closer to being 21nd century technological scientific theoretic modern Black slaves. Walter and Georgina are permanent Satanic genetically engineered Slave House Negroes. Just as in the old system of African Bondage, slavery deprives individuals of their dignity and their rights as human beings. Slavery degrades individuals by treating them as chattel, as property that can be bought, sold and SLAUGHTERED AT WILL.
With their minds, and spirit genetically altered by Luciferian Magick, Walter and Georgina’s bodies have no individual God-given human worth and dignity. This is the realty “GET OUT” created for black people as a race. Walter, even in this permanently compromised falsely created state of realty, was able to warn Chris and also WARN US OF THE SATANIC PLOT AGAINST THE PEOPLE.
Steph Curry Hilariously Took the #GetOutChallenge and its all Over IG (Instagram) The back-to-back NBA MVP captioned it as “trying to escape the sunken place.”[6] That’s is not Walter’s realty or his “WARNING” in “GET OUT“.
Steph Curry, Hidden Hand of the ILLUMINATI
Steph Curry has deliberately deceived, tricked and misled the people about WALTER’S WARNING.
Wardell Stephen Curry II of the NBA Golden State Warriors and the ILLUMINATI need to immediately apologize to Black and Brown citizens, in particular, for misleading and deceiving them. He should immediately join the nationwide call for the federal investigation and its special assistance in solving the cases of missing young female Black and Brown citizens of the United States. Joining the wicked Satanic patent mockery of Walter, played by Marcus Henderson, in “GET OUT” is racially disrespectfully offensive, an inexcusable and unforgivable slap in the collective faces of black people struggling for their HUMAN DIGNITY, and their rights as HUMAN BEINGS.
Chris & Rose
In “GET OUT“, Rose (Rosicrucian Satanic Magick) is a white girl character that is a predator who is responsible for baiting and entrapping/capturing black people to turn them into leagues of permanent mind altered zombies coded for complete Aryan Race Domination. Walter in “GET OUT” that Steph Curry have joined in to universally mock a mind ALTERED black slave of modern slavery. Walter‘s mind, body and soul is Rose’s Aryan Nazi grandfather’s DNA that was Rosicrucian magically implanted into him as a new form of Permanent African Servitude.
This Steph Curry mockery of Walter dashing in full speed through the night is the implanted DNA Code of an Aryan ILLUSION of Rose’s grandfather, Roman Armitage, defeating the Great Jesse Owens during the 1936 Nazi Germany Berlin Olympics.
But, Steph Curry’s mindless and blind acceptance of “GET OUT” is far more wicked, outrageous and insidious in that his deliberate behavior is a tacit global endorsement of the entire film project objective to encourage the support of the Satanic harassment, entrapment and the abuse of black people and their collective offspring in America in which they intend to create a climate of fear ” … in which African-Americans can never breathe easy.”
For whatever reasons, LaKeith Lee “Keith” Stanfield (Logan King/Andre Hayward) Eerily Resemblances Dave Chappelle
In “GET OUT“, Andre Logan Hayworth is a young black man who was violently abducted from the street by white people, thrown into a truck of a car, during the opening scene of the movie. Andre Hayworth was transformed by secret Rosicrucian magic alchemy (Solve et Coagula) physically, mentally and spiritually into an Aryan controlled black zombie named Logan King. COAGUAL– I am not making it up.
“Make no mistake, Williams wasn’t the only black person in the film to give Chris clues that things were amiss at the Armitage estate. Though experiencing brainwashing and having bodies physically controlled by white people — through a so-called COAGULA EXPERIMENT…“[7]
For all of the Steph Curry NBA sport fans, I don’t believe too many expect him to say anything about the ILLUMINATI that would risk his sports career. If he had just played basketball and kept his utter ignorance or Wicked, Evil ILLUMINATI Satanic arrogance and designs to himself, he would have been relatively o.k. to do whatever he wants to within the limits of Justice. However, he has inserted himself into a matter of paramount importance and concern to the Black, Brown and Conscious Global Communities- our survival, our children, our self defense, and our right to be unmolested in pursuit of RELIGION, JUSTICE and FREEDOM in this country!
For all of the Steph Curry NBA sport fans, Solve et Coagula is engraved on the arms of the Baphomet created by Eliphas Lévi‘s Dogme et rituel de la haute magie (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn). The Baphomet is a standard reference for western occultism, Gnosticism, alchemy, Kabbalah, Hermetism, Freemasonry and Satanism.[8]
25 year old nursing student, Brittany Diggs, of Birmingham, AL was one of the fortunate young ladies to survive by forcing open the trunk, and running for her life.
This frightened young lady in Cleveland may not have been so fortunate to escape an abduction from inside a store.
This frightened young lady also may not have been so fortunate. Across the country, hundreds of Black and Brown children and women are being violently abducted, thrown into trunks of cars like Andre Logan Hayward, disappeared, murdered, sacrificed, sexually abused for the secret Satanic exploitation of their god given bodies, minds and souls.
In June 2016, New York City Council Member Andy King held a press conference regarding the recent number of teenage girls missing in the Bronx. He listed a total of 14 girls — ranging in age from 12 through 19 — including several who have been missing since July 2014. Six (6) of the teens were reported missing June 2016 alone, including two (2) who vanished on the Eve of St. John the Baptist on June 23.[9]
6/6/16 (666) was a revered day in the diabolic community. In some Satanic Calendars, June 21 is St John’s Eve: Feast day with orgies and animal or human sacrifice. In ancient times, Midsummer bonfires were lit atop hills and cliffs throughout the British countryside, and in some parts of Scotland, remnants of these traditions continued well into the 18th century.[10] When the sun sets on June 23, Saint John’s Eve, is the eve of celebration before the Feast Day of St. John the Baptist. The Gospel of Luke (Luke 1:36, 56–57) states that John was born about six months before Jesus; therefore, the feast of John the Baptist was fixed on June 24, six months before Christmas Eve.[11]
Following the advent of Christianity in Britain, the Church declared June 24 St. John’s Day in honor of St. John the Baptist, incorporating the old pagan Midsummer traditions in the new celebration. But as was often the case, the people weren’t prepared to abandon their joyful old pagan practices. It was believed the veil between the living and the dead were particularly porous on certain nights of the year and soon and it wasn’t long before the Eve of St. John became one of those days that the dead walked abroad and mischievous fairies were at their most powerful. Thus, the evening prior to the holy man’s birthday was transformed into a night of magic, mystery, witchcraft and sacrifices.[12] The Eve of St. John is still practiced in secret by voodoo practitioners in New Orleans and Satanic Cults elsewhere. Children are customarily believed to be stolen for sacrifice on St. John’s Eve.
On June 9, 1870, two African-American women were accused of abducting 17-month old Mollie Digby from in front of her home. Rumors circulated and surrounded the case that the Digby child had been abducted for use as a Voodoo sacrifice during the secret St. John’s Eve Satanic ceremonies on Lake Pontchartrain.[13] British traditional pagan old Midsummer Night witches, wizards and Satanists have a long secret and deep roots on Long Island, NY going back to the 17th century Salem Colony. Long Island lies approximately forty-eight (48) miles outside of Brooklyn and the Bronx where black and brown children have been turning up missing.
Long Island British Satanist, Raymond Buckland
Raymond Buckland (born 31 August 1934), whose craft name is Robat, is an English writer on the subject of Wicca and the Occult, and a significant figure in the history of Wicca, of which he is a High Priest in both the Gardnerian and Seax traditions.[14]
Satan’s British Witch, Gerald Gardner
According to his written works, primarily Witchcraft from the Inside, published in 1971, he was the first person in the U.S. to openly admit to being a practitioner of Wicca and he introduced the lineage of Gardnerian Wicca to the United States in 1964, after having been initiated by Gerald Gardner’s then-high priestess Monique Wilson in Britain the previous year. He later formed his own tradition dubbed Seax-Wica which focuses on the symbolism of Anglo-Saxon paganism.[15]
Gerald Gardner claimed to have been initiated by a witch of “New Forest Coven” in England during the 1950s. He later constructed (crafted), the “Book of Shadows” for his initiates that was entirely derivable from European grimoires and the texts of Gardner’s superior in the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.[16]
Mussolini and Hitler’s Black Adept from the Cult of Evil, Britain’s 2nd Viscount Tredegar
I will cover it in a later post, however, the Gardnerian ritual book “Book of Shadows” would have included some of the secret Satanic blood sacrifice rituals of OTO, Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, and the globally powerful deep cover British Dark/Black Satanic Circle of the late Evan Frederic Morgan, 2nd Viscount Tredegar.[17]
Master Freemason, 666 Aleister Crowley
In 1923, Dictator Benito Mussolini threw Crowley and his Satanic Cult out of Sicily and Italy when an infant near the cult’s abbey suddenly turned up missing.[18]
Long Island’s Witches, Buckland & Rosemary
In about 1962, Buckland founded a Satanic coven in Bay Shore, known as the Long Island Coven. This was the first group in the United States following the Gardnerian Wicca lineage of direct initiation. Virtually all fully initiated Gardnerians in the US can trace their origins back to the Long Island Coven, which was a centre for neo-paganism in America for twenty years.
The Bucklands and the Coven tried to keep their identities secret at first. However journalist Lisa Hoffman of the New York Sunday News published a news story on the Coven without permission. When Buckland and his wife, Rosemary, separated in 1973, they both left the Long Island Coven to startup secret Satanic Covens in other areas of North America and likely abroad.[19] However, don’t get it twisted, the Long Island Satanic Covens didn’t end or began with Raymond Buckland.
Lady Moody with Ancient Briton Royal Dragon Claw Hand
All Long Island Satanic Cults have roots to the 17th century British Mother Satanic Coven of Baroness Deborah Moody (1586–1659?) of Wiltshire, England. Before immigrating to Long Island, Lady Moody had been expelled from the Salem Church and the British Puritan Salem Massachusetts Colony as a Satanic “Dangerous Woman.”[20]
Witch Burning in Salem Colony
Lady Moody was too wealthy and far too powerfully connected to the British Royal Crown and Ruling Houses of England to burn or hang as an ordinary witch.
Baroness Deborah Moody House, Built: c.1760-1810, Address: 27 (9) Gravesend Neck Road, Brooklyn, NY 11223
EYES WIDE SHUT ON LONG ISLAND- All in the Family, Alison & Mariah Carey
Mariah Carey’s older sister Alison wants to spill all hidden secrets regarding their lives growing up in a Satanic Cult in Huntington, Long Island, NY. Alison wants to publicly expose their secret Satanic Rituals, Satanic Ritual Sex Abuse, and HUMAN SACRIFICE claims in the Mother Long Island Dark Circle Satanic Cult. Will she live long enough to tell the story? We may end up like Kanye West– CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH memory burnt away, and mind swept clean in a mental institution. RUN, ALISON, RUN!
This picture alone taken of a child in bondage should have prompted an immediate investigation of James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong Pizza by the DC child protection services. Instead D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham made a public stand to support Comet Ping Pong Pizza.
In the top hand corner, the rare Comet Ping Pong Pizza picture of a young female of color is DEAD! Against the Will of the People and the Limits of Justice, D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham stand with PIZZAGATE- Comet Ping Pong Pizza, James Alefantis, Tony, and Satanic Dark Circle High Priest John Podesta.
Chief Newsham is in charge of investigating (covering up) the sudden rash of missing young Black females in Washington DC. Newsham has concluded that it is no big deal- young female runaways is a pathological condition of the black community as far as he is concerned. DON’T TRUST HIM!
Finally, Wardell Stephen Curry II of the NBA Golden State Warriors, the “GET OUT” SATANIC COAGULA EXPERIMENT is planned for “Black People” in America as a matter of policy that includes you and your family. They are not laughing with you, Steph. They are laughing at you! Because, they intend to come, real soon, after your STUPID ASS, TOO! STAND UP FOR A FOR AN INDEPENDENT PUBLIC INVESTIGATION INTO MISSING AMERICAN BLACK CHILDREN AND FEMALES,
[1] http://deadline.com/2017/03/get-out-jordan-peele-blumhouse-universal-1202041635/
[2] http://variety.com/2017/film/reviews/get-out-review-jordan-peele-1201968635/
[3] http://www.overlordsofchaos.com/html/new_world_order_quotes_1930-34.html
[4] Id.
[5] Id.
[6] http://www.bet.com/news/sports/2017/03/08/steph-curry-took-the—getout-challenge-.html
[7] http://thegrio.com/2017/03/10/get-out-reminds-us-only-we-can-save-ourselves/
[8] https://vigilantcitizen.com/hidden-knowledge/whoisbaphomet/
[9] http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/12-teen-bronx-girls-missing-pol-fears-abduction-article-1.2693318
[10] http://whatliesbeyond.boards.net/thread/5567/st-john-eve-rituals-traditions
[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_John%27s_Eve
[12] http://whatliesbeyond.boards.net/thread/5567/st-john-eve-rituals-traditions
[13] https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8422254.Michael_A_Ross/blog?page=6
[14] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Buckland
[15] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Buckland
[16] http://www.satanservice.org/wiki/Gerald_Gardner
[17] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/uk/wales/724463/Wales-Huntin-shootin-and-barkin.html
[18] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbey_of_Thelema
[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raymond_Buckland#The_Long_Island_Coven
[20] http://www.newenglandhistoricalsociety.com/lady-deborah-moody-a-dangerous-woman-comes-to-new-england/